Saturday 22 February 2020

It's time to start living the life you've imagine.

Here I am again. At Shah Alam. Working with my father's friend. He owned a Kurta's Shop at Kompleks PKNS. Organizing clothes according to its colour. Iron. Sweeping floor.  Counting stock. Make sure the shop clean. And of course. Selling them. I remembering myself when my first time working here. I falsely gave the price of Kurta. I panicked. But lesson learned. Today. Still sitting in the same place. Eating snacks. Smiling whatever people come across the shop. And trying to have a good communication. Need more to improve I guess. But now I know how to deal with customers. I know how to tackle and make them buy our goods! Hahaha. Everything need time. All you need to do is to mingle around and exposed yourself to this kind of situation. The more you mix around with this kind of activities the more you get to know with the business environment. That's what I've been looking for. And I am still looking up! Dealing with the "real" customer is tough. Especially when they asked for cheaper price and why it's pricey. However I be able to learnt on how to engage with people behavior and be able to manage my emotions. Even though it's February already, never ever stop to push yourself. To keep learning. To expose yourself and to have fun!  2019 is a tough year. But I manage to overcome my fear. I cry. I get up. I smile. I fight. I am stronger now. Always be grateful for your small steps. That's what keep you moving forward.  It was fun. Every moment was unforgettable. A life  has its own taste. Sometimes you might feel bitter. Then it become sour. Slowly you taste the sourness before you could taste the sweetness itself. The greatest moment that I would cherish forever when my beloved sister married to someone she loves. We having the wedding ceremony on 22th December 2019. All family was there. They came from johor and negeri sembilan just to see my sister's wedding. Everyone was involved. There's upside down through out the day. But we managed to get over it! Ayah's and Ibu's friends were there too. Their classmates, collogue and students. I was in charge as a runner and make sure that my relatives had their homestay and room. Alhamdulillah. Everything when well. Then on January. I when to Kelantan again. Oh I miss Kelantan so much. The food especially. But sadly I undergone a minor surgery on removing my wisdom tooth. As it can cause damage to my another tooth. It was a week before I when to Kelantan. Of course. It so painful. I eat liquid food for a week. The reason why I go to Kelantan because my very own best friend is having a wedding too. And my senior's wedding too. It was funny when they still remembering me. They remember me because I am always the one who causing trouble. Hahaha. The one who always faint back then. Ugh. Memalukan. And of course. I got my MUET results. Yey! Band 4. Alhamdulillah. On 1st February we were having "kenduri kesyukuran" at Uwan's house. My hometown basically. We even celebrate my mum's birthday earlier. Heading to Shah Alam on 7th February. Had an eye appointment on 17th February and first time going to I Sogo, I-city. Then on 20th February, my roommate and I had a picnic at Dataran Kemerdekaan Shah Alam. We walk. Then we eat. KFC just had a special promotion as the date is quite unique (20.2.2020) Now I'm here. Creating memories as many as I can. Trying to cherish moment I had. Oh Allah. Thank you for everything ❤️

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