Sunday 13 October 2019

Crashing. And It's okay

Lately I'm dealing with a huge kind of stress which lead me to an unhealthy living. I lose my appetite. I don't even like doing what I like the most which is my hobbies. Everything seems wrong. Feeling empty and lonely at the same time. Hopeless and can't control my emotion. Every emotion mixed into something that you hardly describe with words. I am crashing. I cried a lot. I don't even care about anything anymore. I realize that I no longer happy with my job. I tried to overcome this feeling but I can't. I keep my mouth shut. Until one day I can't no longer bare with the pain. I cry louder in sleep. I tell my sister my problem. We both cry. She knows my pain. I asked why. Why everything goes off with the plan. Why me? Why this is happening to me? The more I asked, the more I answering to myself. The more I see, I feel and realize the reasons for everything. The answer is there. But I was too blind to see. I fight without knowing the game plan. I fight without my sharpen sword. All I just need is to believe and trust myself that everything happen for a reason. Everything that you feel against you is what makes you stronger. What makes you, you! And to prepare myself for my unknown future. Dear me, it's okay for you to do mistakes and crashing. It's okay for you to felt hopeless and tumbling on your feet. God knows that I tried. Seeing the bright side. One day. One day you will embrace every single pain that you've been through. Trust me

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