Sunday 15 March 2020

The moment I saw you smile

-Kaya and Chicken Curry-

feel like
I'm dreaming
saw you there

It's you

You were there

I saw you

You were there

Oh god

How can I stop
Myself from keep smiling.

I'm glad I didn't
By just looking
at you

It was
The first time I saw you
Back then

Same smile
Same pose
Same eyes

everything is still the same
like the first time ever
 i saw you

I never knew
The first time
We met
You'd be kinda
Hard to forget.

Those that kept me blush
Your smile
it killin me

I'm melting inside
This is the most amazing thing
that I ever know

Oh god
Lend me some strength
so that he knows
that my heart is going to explode

may i asked ? how'd you do that - sincerely me

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams _ Dr. Seuss"

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