Wednesday 19 June 2019

Trap in the ladies!

Hello everyone. And Assamualaikum. Today is a tiring day. I just finished doing the dishes. Another day. Another routine. Mum and dad arrived home in the afternoon. Dad brought us some fresh fishes which he bought at Bagan Dato. It was fresh and sweet. We decided to grill the fish. And it was damn so good. My favorite part of the fish of course its head. The best part ever.  I just do some changing in my blog. If you notice. It's quite different when you open up my blog using laptop. You can see I change the font for the header. And adjust the width. Nothing much actually. And I found out my another blog. Hahahaha. It was which was more weirder than this one. HAHA. I read my profile and it said that I've been join blog since 2011. Wahhh 9 years already. I think it was funny. Especially the way I express myself. OMG. Cringe. But yah. I wasss quite good. Especially realize that I wrote something. I note something. And there's no negative vibe at all. 

Okay lets go back to in time. 
I remembering myself wake up early and do laundry. Then took a bath and get ready for work. Every morning I could hear the sound of adhan from nearby mosque. It was calming. Every time I woke up, I could see an enormous beautiful mosque of Shah Alam from my room. It is called as Blue Mosque. One of the largest mosque in Malaysia. I hope to go there someday. InshaAllah. Usually I was the first to get ready and waiting for my friends. We work at the same place. One of them are even my colleague. We across the road and wait for a bus. There's Seranas, Rapid and Smart Selangor . We need to pay RM1 for Seranas and Rapid. Meanwhile Smart Selangor is free. Even though Smart Selangor is cheaper. I refer myself to wait for Seranas and Rapid because they stop directly at PKNS. If you go for Smart Selangor, it will drop me at Plaza Peransang which I need to across the road twice. The sound of the seat clacking and the smells of the brake is still fresh in my mind. They driver bus sometimes are friendly sometimes they not. Mostly are very punctual. I hate when I need to stand when most seat are occupied.It was so tired. It was Ramadhan actually. But I don't quite remember which day when the trap thing happen. All I could remember that it was evening. Me and my colleague do some cleaning. Arranging the Kurta. Still hoping for another customer. But it was deserted. I was ite sleepy and tired too. But then I feel like I need to go the restroom. I think there's enough time before we closed the shop. I hurried myself to the restroom. It was so quiet and scary at the same time. Before I could finish my business I could hear a loud sound from outside. Sounds like someone just lock the main door! Oh NO!! I try to stay calm. But I cannot. Why on earth that they lock the main door? I asked myself. This is public restroom. I almost cried. I try and shake the door. But nobody response. I gulped myself. What should I do? What do I need to do? I don't even bring along my cellphone. Good. So now what? I took a deep breath. Bite my nails (my bad habit). My heart almost jumped out of my chest. It was painful. No. Not now I whisper. Not the asthma attack again. Please. I said. As I mooch around the hall. I heard noisy sound of people chatting and smells of cigarettes. Could it be there's another door? I asked myself. But it was so dark. I brave myself to go into the dark. The smells getting stronger and the chatting becomes louder. Thank god there's another door. It link with the Vanggey restaurant! Ugh. I should have notice soon. I walk slowly as I try to cover up my nervous. Then I tripped up my steps to my working place. As I reach, I saw my friend pulling the curtain to cover the booth. I almost scream of happiness. She looked at me and making faces. It was weird. "Hey where have you been? Why do you look like you about to cry?" I just laugh. What a day!

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