Tuesday 18 June 2019

A spark of kindness

It was my mum's letter to my dad. Or it was my dad's letter to my mum. 

Today I'm using my mum's laptop. Oh ya. Assalamualaikum everyone! Today I'm going to blog in English since I'll be taking MUET session 3 this year. So I need to enhance my writing and improves verb. May Allah ease everything inshaAllah. There is not much pictures in my mum's laptop. I try to google one but ended up using my old blog image. And I found out that there's a picture of my parents letter when they was young! What a sweet things. Hahaha. I just finish taking my bath and do isyak praying. Then as I try to reach for my mum's laptop, I smells something unpleasant. It was my brother. He was pooping! Ah another work. I said. Whispering to myself. I taught I would just do my bath and pray then do the blog peacefully. But ya. It's not. Maybe he had stomach ache. I wash him and brush his teeth. Wear him some nice cloth and take him to bed. My brother is suffer with brain damage (do read my previous entry). So, I need to take care of him. I do blog around 2.58 a.m. now it's 3.16 a.m. still typing. I washed my hair and it smells like strawberry. I need to let it air dry. My hair nearly reach my waist. I wanted to trim it but I don't have much time to do so.  I remember my mum used to trim my hair like a boy cut. My friends was laughing. My cousins too. But I don't care as long as it doesn't bother me. But as I grow older. I tend to be more and more feminine. I was surround by pretty friends. They have beautiful hair and beautiful skin. I can't help but be envious towards them. So I let my hair grew longer. But. I don't felt quite comfortable. Maybe because I used to have shorter hair. Actually I wanted to summarize my day in Shah Alam but it is quite hard to recall my memory as I do blog at night. It makes me dizzy. I just wanted to tell how grateful I am to be able to stay calm in a hard situation. And appreciate little things that happen around me. Even though sometimes I cried alone in my prayers or on the bed. There's a moment. A week before we had Eid Mubarak. I was ran out of money. Not to mention there's a few Ringgit in my bank which I couldn't withdraw them because the balance is too low. I was ashamed. And sad because I don't want to ask money from my parent. Besides I'm working! How could possible a working person asking for money when you had your payment? Of course working in city is more than that. I need to pay for rent. My transportation, foods and others bill. I even take some mineral drinks from musolla (they gave free drinks to people). I told my roommate about my problem because I couldn't think anymore. She was sweet. She's older 2 years than me and just finished her degree at UUM in marketing. She was a shy person and also a hardworking girl! And fyi she's even a Kelantanese. She gave me RM50 but it last for only two days then she gave me another RM20 and I almost cried. I am so glad that I have such a sweet roommate. She even asked me if I crave for sticky rice with mango(pulut mangga) "I know you've been craving for this sticky rice since the first Ramadhan. Aren't you?" She says. "It's okay. You can pay me later" while smiling sweetly. I almost cry again. She even remember what I said. I lost my word. She is everything. I always pray that one day she'll met a great guy who can take care of her. Have a comfy house and a suitable job for her. Oh ya and cute kids too! Ameen. I learnt to be generous towards people. I learnt a lot from her! Thank You Sya. I will always remember your kindness. Always. And I won't stop praying for you. I will always remember this. And told my kids my story. And telling them that life won't be that easy. Note that life is hard. Stay strong and take is as a challenging, then you manage to overcome almost everything in your life! I won't give up and always see things in positive side. For those who reading this, May Allah blessed and ease you day. 

Goodnight :)

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