Thursday 1 November 2018

Nearly car crash and police chasing!

Random picture that I googled. Not mine btw.

Hello again. So today. I try my best to do blog in English. It's kind of trying to improve my English too. So, why not? If there's some grammar errors and other stuff just let me know in the comment section below. Thank You!

It was evening, around 6 p.m. yesterday. I was in the living room doing some editing stuff for my sales update with canva (an application online for pictures editing). Then I had a call from my dad. He asked me to get ready. Because I've planned to go to Kampar to find some stuff for my cooking.  I decided to do some fresh spring rolls since my sister is home but it's hard to find Vietnamese fresh spring roll skin in Teluk Intan! So, we decided to go to Kampar. The only place that I know they selling it. Dad was happy that my sister is home so, I asked her to go shopping with us because staying home is just too boring. I bet you know the feeling. Hahaha. Okay lets skip this. So. On our way to Kampar. There a three junction, which was exactly after Tanjung Tualang. There's main road to Gopeng and Ipoh. (I'm sorry but I hope you understand me). The road was double lane. which means that you cannot overtake the car in front of you plus it was in the junction! But trust me. My dad is a professional driver. He said that if there's no light. Oh it was at night. Hahaha okay just let me continue. If there's no light. It means there's no car. Well dad always giving us tips to drive. Since me and my sister can drive. But, the moment we overtake a lorry. Wait. Just let me explain with the picture *I'm using paint btw (laughing emoji) LOL

Let me describe you. So the P is for the Police. And the L is the lorry. While U is us for sure. Dad always memorizing the road. So, basically he said the road can fixed into three cars. And let me remind you again that there's no car from the junction except from the one in front of us. We can barely see the sign on the Police car! AND WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT IT WAS A POLICE CAR! I had this kind of weird feeling because the car was just too slow and it used a dim light. (cars has different light stage. Hope you understand me!) And it was so slow that we taught it might pulled over to the side. By the time my dad overtake the lorry. We bumped into each other side by side. Our eyes finally caught to the sign on the hoods! IT WAS A POLICE! Then, instead of going straight, he goes to the left. And start to speed. I was bewilderment at first. And I afraid. What was going on? I asked myself. He swallowed himself and said that HE SAW the police make a U-turn and probably trying to chase us! Of course! He just did a MISTAKE. It was so fast, that my heart almost stop! Thank god. My dad recognize the road. We take the path to Seri Iskandar instead of Kampar! Guys, trust me. Kampar and Seri Iskandar was way too long. It was far apart. I am sooooo glad that he knows the small road. Umm (jalan dalam. AHAHAHA) Then we finally arrived at Seri Iskandar. The town is quite busy. And we don't see the cop behind us anymore. It was lucky that there's a lot of car. It might confusing the cop! Btw. Noted that the police car is Inspira. (kereta I dgn kereta police cc dia beza guys. klau nak kejar mengejar tu kacang je guys). We laughed so hard. It was my first time seeing my dad so nervous. After that we just do our shopping and I was kind of sad because there's not much stuff here in Seri Iskandar. We had our dinner at a hispter's kind restaurant and basically done with shopping. We had some Nasi Goreng Kampung, Sizzling noodles and garlic bread. Dad order himself a cup of coffee. Mine some apple just juice and my sister had some lychee. 

Umm. can I blog in bm? Cause I'm so sleepy. It was 2.06 a.m. now! And I wanted to finish this today!

Selesai makan malam. Kita orang balik la. Hahaha. Ayah dah biasa memandu laju. Dia kata rimas bila ada kereta di depan. Plus. Bahaya. Buatnya kereta depan brake tetiba. Macam mana? So, seelok-eloknya biar la kita jauh daripada kereta-kereta. And kereta kami ni tinggi. Serious tinggi tapi dia besar-besar myvi je. Haval h1. Pi google tengok. Hahaha. Dia macam besar lebih kurang Honda crv. Boleh brain tak? Hahaha. Okay back to story. Ayah nak potong satu kereta ni. Kereta vios. Vios biasa je gais. Sama cc dengan je  kereta weols. Kita orang ambik masa nak potong sebab jalan tu berbelok-belok. Macam S tu. Ayah rapat dengan kereta depan sebab dia ready nak potong. Ayah ambik masa nak memotong sebelah lane sebelah banyak kereta. By the time kereta sebelah dah tak ada. Ayah potong la kereta depan kita orang ni. By the time ayah potong. Kereta ni macam start kejar kita orang tau! Dia ingat ayah road bullies dia. Well kereta kita orang tinggi plus ayah follow rapat sebelum potong tu. Tapi yang cilaka nya (sorry) kereta tu kejar kita orang. Ayah tak kisah pun so dia bagi la jalan *ruang untuk kereta tu potong. But you guys know what. Instead of nk kejar kita orang, that guy end up block our car and doing backfire 

A back-fire or backfire is combustion or an explosion produced by a running internal combustion engine that occurs in the air intake or exhaust system rather than inside the combustion chamber. Unburnt fuel or hydrocarbons that are ignited in the exhaust system can produce loud sounds even if flames are not present at the tailpipe.

maksudnya exhaust kereta vios ni mengeluarkan bunyi bising yang macam letup-letup sambil menghimpit kereta kami! SO RUDE! Ayah was so mad. Dah la penat kena kejar police tadi. Ingatkan balik ni boleh la relax sikit. Dia try nak kejar mamat ni. Nak tahu apa jadi lepas tu? Lepas kereta tu himpit2 dia cuba untuk pecut but end up brake mengejut. YASS MENGEJUT. RIGHT AFTER HE SPEED! Boleh bayang tak?  Of course la ayah nak pecut jugak kan. Siapa je tak nak kejar kereta yang buat hal macam tu! Ayah pun apa lagi. Brake jugak la dan cuba untuk potong. And guess what. Lepas brake dia terus ketengah sebab macam tau je an ayah marah and nak potong dia balik. GUYS WE OUT OF CONTROL AFTER THAT SBB AYAH TRY TO SPEED AND ELAK MAMAT CILAKE NI! YASS WE NEARLY HAD AN ACCIDENT T________T. Mengucap panjang guys. I was so glad that haval ada system dia sendiri yang buatkan kereta tu stabil. But it took like 5 MINUTES UNTUK KERETA KAMI STABIL. So kereta dah ke hulu ke hilir macam orang mabuk. Ye lah. OUT OF CONTROL! Aku bersyukur sangat ayah selalu handle road bullies. Ngam je lepas kerata stabil I saw that guy lower his speed maybe he saw us out of control through his side mirror. Siala tau pun cuak (mind my language. I'm sorry) Apa lagi ayah kejar la kereta vios acah-acah bagus ni. Ayah kejar then buat macam mamat ni buat dekat weols which try to himpit the car and berhenti betul-betul depan kereta dia. ANDDDD ayah KELUAR DARI KERETA. I SAW mamat ni try to run away (cuak la tu) Tapi ayah memang dah ngam-ngam block dia. Aku cuma risau bertumbuk2 je. I cuak dah and I was so afraid. Sampai kena asthma attack kejap k ni lawak. Tapi abaikan tang tu. EYY CILAKE PUNYA VIOS. Aku tak tau apa yang ayah sekolahkan mamat tu. Tapi dia lebih kurang macam kau pahal nak block kereta macam tu la shial! kalau aku penyagak. ada pistol dah lama aku tembak kau (okay ni ayat aku sebenarnya. Ayah aku professional. Marah-marah dia. Bahasa dia masih sopan dan berjaga, siap ada nasihat lagi fuhhh) lepastu Ayah bagi dia potong kita orang. So, kita orang rakam la no plat sialan ni. Ambik gambar and etc. And I was like. EYY KALAU KITA MATI TADI AKK MENGHANTUI FAMILY TU TUJUH KETURUNAN! Lepastu ayah gelak. Hahaha lah lawak ke? Gila weh. Boleh accident kot. Aku malas la nak mention no plat kan. Past is past. Plus dia dah mintak maaf masa ayah sekolahkan dia tu. BUT I WAS SO FREAKIN MAD! 

So that's all for today. Sorry for my harsh words. Eh segar pulak tiba-tiba hahaha. Opss, it almost 3.00 a.m.

Won't forget this moment 31 Oct 2018

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