Thursday 11 May 2017

*Crying T^T

Aishh I just can believe that we are having three more weeks before I going back as a full time student. Everything was suck especially my everyday routine! Huh. Kononnya cuti dua bulan dapat lah manfaatkan masa dengan bekerja ke tolong mak ayah ke. La ni dok membesarkan badan je. Timing pun lari. Dapat idea nak blogging pun dah pukul satu lebih. Aish. *rasa nak ketuk kepala. And of course I wasn't ready to leave this whole sweet dream. Nanti dah start balik bangun awal fikir pasal project, assignment and other stuff. Huaaaa~ *Sobs. Alhamdullilah I'm doing great for this semester. Thank you Ya Allah. It was very lucky that I got C- for my soil subject. fUHH SIKIT lagi nak gagal (jangan ikut langkah saya ;P)  Pejam celik. Pejam celik macam tak percaya je dah nak habis semester. I wish I can put a shocking emoji here. Hahaha. well blogspot you better do an improvement. I wish that blogspot has their own apps for samrtphone so I can post them anywhere I meant without using laptop to post out your entry. Just like your diary. I hope you geddit. Ouh yeah before I forget. Finally I've bought some books and stuff for my D,I.Y. journal! And it was soooo exciting. Can't wait to share ideas with you guys. Recently I install some apps which I enjoy very much~ It looks like Instagram but more like a travel diary! It was fun but I make myself a private account luls so I don't have friends. If you have one don't forget to leave comment and share your exciting part for having them. (JOURNI) *do more research if you the kind of person that loves travel and very excellent at taking scenery pictures!

My achievement~

*had my journal
*do well in my exam ( increase pointer)
*bought my baju raya ( it is plain and cheap! )
*eating sushi luls~

Is this kind of achievement? -.-'
Hope you guys enjoying reading my stupid stuff hahaha. Nothing much but I assure you to post out some brilliant tips and ideas!

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